Hammering Out Heritage – My Journey as the Project Coordinator for the Lauhaar Shaastra (शास्त्र) Internship

For the past three months, I, Pallavi Thakur, have been working as the Project Coordinator for the Lauhaar Shaastra (शास्त्र) Internship at Gram Disha Trust. This internship focuses on preserving and promoting the traditional blacksmithing techniques of the Lauhaar community in Himachal Pradesh in form of (शास्त्र). My role has been both challenging and rewarding, and I would like to share my experience with you.

The Historical Significance of Blacksmithing


Blacksmithing is one of the oldest crafts in human history, dating back thousands of years. It has played a crucial role in the development of civilizations, providing tools and weapons that were essential for agriculture, construction, and defense. The craft of blacksmithing involves heating metal and forging it into various shapes and forms using hammers, anvils, and other tools. This process requires skill, precision, and a deep understanding of the properties of different metals.

The Lauhaar community in Himachal Pradesh has been practicing blacksmithing for generations, passing down their knowledge and techniques through oral traditions and hands-on training. Preserving this craft is not only about maintaining a cultural heritage but also about recognizing the sustainable practices inherent in traditional blacksmithing. Unlike modern industrial methods, traditional blacksmithing often uses local materials and manual labor, reducing the environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices.

My task as a coordinator for this program was multifaceted. Here I detail my experience in the various roles played to ensure the success of this program.

Fundraising Campaign

One of my first tasks was to organize a fundraising campaign from scratch. We aimed to raise 2 lakhs INR for the internship but were only able to collect 18363.97 INR. This significant shortfall posed a challenge since the internship relies on these funds to cover various costs, such as Honorarium to Blacksmith for training, accommodation, and food for the interns. Despite our best efforts, including reaching out to many potential donors and creating awareness about our cause, we still faced a shortfall. I am very grateful to everyone who contributed, understanding that even one rupee mattered a lot. This initial hurdle taught us to be resourceful and manage with what we had. This experience emphasized the importance of perseverance and adaptability in project management.


Social Media & Designing Posters

Creating promotional materials was another essential part of my role. I worked on designing posters and templates to promote the internship. These materials required creativity and attention to detail, ensuring they were not only informative but also visually appealing to attract interest from potential interns and supporters. Effective promotional materials are vital for online campaigns. I managed social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram, using these channels to reach a broader audience and engage potential donors and interns. 

Planning the Internship with the Lauhaar

Planning the internship involved coordinating with the Lauhaar community and setting up a detailed schedule. This included fixing the dates for the on-site visits, arranging the necessary materials, and ensuring that all logistical aspects were covered. I worked closely with master blacksmiths Devi Ram and Kishori Lal to ensure the interns had a comprehensive learning experience. Respecting the traditions and practical needs of the Lauhaar community required meticulous coordination and a deep understanding of their way of life.

Budget Breakdown and Cost Cutting

Given the limited funds, I had to carefully break down the budget and find ways to cut costs without compromising the quality of the internship. This meant prioritizing essential activities and making some tough decisions about what could be trimmed or eliminated. Unfortunately, we had to cut some extra events from the internship to stay within budget. For detailed information on expenditure and income, I have attached the balance sheet, which outlines where the money was spent. This experience taught me valuable lessons in financial management and resource optimization.

Fixing Logistics

Logistics played a crucial role in the smooth execution of the internship. Ensuring that everything was in place so that the interns could focus on their learning without any distractions was essential. This involved detailed planning and problem-solving to address any issues that arose, such as transportation challenges or accommodation adjustments. We motivated interns to use public transportation to reach Baag village, which not only reduced our environmental impact but also gave them a taste of rural Himachal life. Their accommodation was arranged with local villagers to promote community exchange, allowing the interns to experience authentic Himachali culture while villagers learned about their backgrounds as well.

Weekly Calls with Interns

To keep everyone on the same page, I organized weekly calls with the interns. These calls were essential for discussing progress, addressing any issues, and ensuring that the interns remained engaged and motivated. Creating a sense of community and support among the interns was crucial, especially since part of the internship was conducted online. These calls fostered a collaborative environment and helped maintain the interns’ enthusiasm.

Managing Accounts

Keeping track of the accounts was another key responsibility. Ensuring that all expenses were documented and that the funds were being used appropriately was vital for maintaining transparency and accountability throughout the project. This involved regular updates to the budget and making sure we stayed within our financial limits. Effective financial management is crucial for the success of any project, and this role provided me with significant experience in this area.

Creating a short documentary film

As a volunteer, I also took on the task of choosing a documentary to highlight the internship. This was a fascinating project because it allowed us to showcase the unique aspects of the Lauhaar community and their craft. The documentary is an important tool for raising awareness and garnering support for future programs. Selecting the right documentary involved researching various options and considering how well each one would represent our cause.

Keeping Interns Interested

Ensuring that every intern remained interested and engaged during the practical sessions was crucial. This required constant communication and support, as well as making the sessions as interactive and hands-on as possible. I wanted to ensure the interns felt valued and that their contributions were making a difference. Keeping the interns motivated was key to the overall success of the internship. We had seven interns in total: four from NID, one policymaker, and one journalist. We had seven interns in total: Yajurdev, Vaishnavi, Riya, Poorva, and Gargi from the National Institute of Design (NID); Anupriya, an engineer and policy advisor; and Shivani, a journalist. These interns were gems; they were actively involved in all activities. My heart was full to see such dedicated individuals. They managed well with the village people, participating in every task alongside the Lauhaar community. It didn’t seem they were from the city. They enjoyed local Himachal food in the traditional style, using leaf plates instead of plastic, embracing an eco-friendly system. They managed very well with the villagers, seamlessly integrating into the community.

Environmental Sustainability

Sustainability was a core focus of this internship. The traditional blacksmithing techniques of the Lauhaar community inherently involve sustainable practices. They use locally sourced materials, which reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation. The manual labor and hand-forging techniques also minimize the energy consumption compared to industrial methods. Additionally, the community’s lifestyle includes eco-friendly practices, such as using leaves instead of plastic plates, which the interns adopted and appreciated. By preserving these techniques, we are not only maintaining cultural heritage but also promoting environmental sustainability.

Overall Project Management

Overall, managing the Lauhaar Shaastra Internship has been an incredibly rewarding experience. From planning and fundraising to coordinating and managing accounts, every aspect of this project has taught me valuable lessons. Although we faced many obstacles, the dedication and enthusiasm of the interns and the Lauhaar community kept us moving forward. I am still involved in the online management of the project, ensuring that the documentation and other activities continue smoothly.

Special Thanks

A big thanks to Mr. Ashish Gupta, who came up with the idea of creating the Shaastra for the Lauhaar community. His guidance and support have been invaluable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to work on this project. His vision and dedication have been a source of inspiration throughout this journey.


 In conclusion, this internship has not only contributed to the preservation of a valuable cultural heritage but has also provided a unique learning experience for all involved. I am proud of what we have achieved and look forward to seeing the final outcomes of our  Shaastra. The Lauhaar Shaastra Internship has been a testament to the power of community, dedication, and adaptability. Through this journey, I have grown both personally and professionally, gaining insights that will undoubtedly benefit my future endeavors.

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