Glacial farming




In 2020 Gram Disha Trust undetook a short collboration with the Cabot Institute (University of Bristol) on the usage and efficacy of Glacial soil flows for agriculture. 

This research followed a lecture visit by our founding Trustee Ashish Gupta-jee, to Bristol for discussions on topic “Bioavailability of minerals and nutrition of glacial flows on riparian agriculture systems of Sub-Himalayan region – Possibilities and Socio-cultural Impact” in 2018. Continued enagement with Cabot Institute and Gram Disha Trust was undertaken towards developing a mechanism for collabortive consideration on this subject. This resulted in a publication based on research undertaken by researcher Ian Fitzpatrick working with Prof Jemma Wadham and Associate Prof Naomi Milner

The presentation which was shared in the discusion is here.


In 2020, GDT and Intern Srishti Jishtu undertook data collection through interviews with special experts to provide Cabot Institute with references on Water availability for farmlands from surface water sources especially glacial flows.

This resulted in a research output from the University of Bristol in 2022

Governing the soil: Natural farming and bionationalism in India
Fitzpatrick, I. C., Millner, N. R. & Ginn, F., 8 Jul 2022, In: Agriculture and Human Values. 39, 4, p. 1391-1406 16 p.