
Village Kaloon District Pauri


This is an initiative which GDT started by making an SHG at Village Kaloon in District Pauri and through which connecting the villagers to the market and helping in generating employment from home (through agriculture)and empowering farmers.

For this we made the Group and the working of the group is happening at a scale organizing meetings distributing seeds and doing some workshops regarding farming skills and interactions with farmers.For all these activities to happen we need to have a Computer lab(where the interested people can learn basic computer skills) Library(where discussion and more information on organic farming can be read and exchanged) Home stay(where people from the group can host guests and earn some money through hosting guests ) an Office(from where all the works can happen regarding the group and apple farming which is being done in Pauri)and an Meeting hall where the meetings can happen with the farmers.

To start with something we begin with developing some ideas to reuse an old structure for all the activities happening with the SHG. Which will work as an Farmer’s Center.

Basic drawings developed to understand the usage of space have been shared in the design and architecture section and can be viewed here.

We have many more ideas for the work in Agriculture and Architecture which are in progress.

Gram Disha Trust
Key Highlights

GDT Initiative: Empowering Villagers through Agriculture

GDT’s initiative in Village Kaloon, Pauri District, aims to connect villagers to the market, generate employment through agriculture, and empower farmers.

The project involves the formation of a group, organizing meetings, distributing seeds, conducting farming workshops, and establishing essential facilities like a computer lab, library, home stay, office, and meeting hall.

GDT's initiative
The project involves the formation of a group, organizing meetings, distributing seeds, conducting farming workshops, and establishing essential facilities like a computer lab, library, home stay, office, and meeting hall.

On way to Kalun, my native village rich in wild life. No corona fear in the village and meeting of woman at one place for SHG -Gram Disha Ek Pehal. Trees planted in March 6th 2018 with fruits, and newly planted trees in March 15, 2020. Everything was refreshing and gave energy. Specially the villagers are well aware of Corona-19 break down, but not having the fear psychosis as seen in parts of Himachal.